TAMPA, FL – The Great Commission Partnerships Network announced on October 30, 2020 its new Website at gcpartnerships.org.

“This is an exciting step,” said J. Boe Ellis, Executive Director, “it is just one of many steps that we are undertaking behind the scenes to bring this ministry to life.”

The current site, according to Ellis, is only a starting point for a robust site that should be released by the end of November, 2020.

As for the new ministry, called Great Commission Partnerships (GCPN), it was founded in early October, 2020 as a charitable (501(c)(3)-pending), Christian missions organization that will come alongside local churches and other organizations in the area of global missions.

“We are seeking to equip local churches,” Ellis said, “and connect them to resources and strategies that result in formal missions partnerships with some incredible ministries and missionaries that we already have relationships with — on a local, national, and international basis. So we are designing everything we are doing to serve not just churches but business owners, families, and foundations too, as the outsourced missions catalyst that they otherwise would not have the funding or the bandwidth to support.”

To connect with GCPN, please email info@gcpartnerships.org.