Good evening,

I have received several updates from Pastor Eliazar regarding the pandemic food distribution on Mfangano Island two weeks ago in Kenya, Africa. The distribution consisted of items like rice, baking flour, cooking oil, sugar, salt, soap, and matches. Pastor Eliazar wrote, “We were able to to do a very good distribution program today (Tuesday) with good weather and a very good turnout. Most important was that it was a great time sharing the gospel with these precious old men and women. God softened their hearts and some gave their lives to the Lord. We had some home visitations for those who couldn’t make it to the station and it all went so well as we shared the gospel with their families. They were so happy for this visit and thanked God too.”

Wednesday’s update was that they had another very good day sharing God’s love with many older people. Pastor Eliazar wrote, “We became a great blessing to them and it was good seeing some of them surrender to the Lord as Savior. We are thankful that tonight they can rest their heads on their pillow with a great hope of going to heaven one day. Glory to the Lord.”

Pastor Eliazar asked me to extend his gratitude and appreciation to FBC Tampa for their love and kindness in supporting this food distribution. Please enjoy the attached pictures.

These pictures are from Tuesday’s distribution at Repairer Christian School for those who could walk to this location.