Mission Rio ’25 (July 20-30, 2025)
GCPN is leading a team to Rio July 20-30, 2025
- three different VBS / Sports Camps, and other outreach events
- three different church plants (Saquarema, Recreio, Santa Cruz)
- worship in Recreio, worship in Santa Cruz
- hosting pastor’s and wives appreciation banquets in Saquarema and in Barra da Tijuca
- Tourist Day, Churrascaria, Pão de Açúcar (cable car), Copacabana
Four Ways You Can Join With Us
- That our witness will be Spirit-filled, bold, and that many kids, families, and households will come to trust in Jesus as Lord.
- That our church planting partners with Celebration Church in Recreio, Universitaria, Santa Cruz, and Saquarema will be encouraged and strengthened
- That the Lord will provide volunteers / team members
- That the Lord will provide financially
- That the Lord will watch over our travels and our families while we are gone
- Ministry: Indoor / outdoor, VBS / sports camps; block party; pastor’s and wives barbecue & banquet.
- Dates: (10.5 days) | Depart from TIA July 20 – Sunday p.m. -> Return to TIA July 30 – Wednesday mid-day.
- Docs: Valid passport (not to expire within six months of arrival)
- Visa: online form to be completed prior to travel (GCP can take care of this).
- Team: Eight to ten students and adults
- Housing: Air BnB homes / condos (two per room), multiple bedrooms, bathrooms and beds
- nine nights (Mon-Thu in Saquarema; Fri-Tue in Barra / Rio)
- Transportation: Hired driver (a local pastor) and rental cars.
- Cost — On your own for airfare, plus $1,000 donation to Great Commission Partnerships any time prior to travel (10 days all-inclusive: housing, meals, transportation). | No deposit required. Flight itinerary to be posted soon.
Scholarships and fundraising: Students are encouraged to raise the funds they need, and even consider donating surplus funds so that we can offer more scholarship dollars to students who come up short of raising the total amount. Scholarships can be offered / applied to amount that a student might come up short. Some scholarships can be available for up to half the total cost of the trip or a max $1,250, as those funds are available.
Currency: US credit and debit cards are accepted everywhere in Rio.
Deadline: July 15, 2025 (airfare will be increasing as travel approaches, so book early) | full payment to GCPN prior to departure
Sign-up here: online application here -> Online Application
Led by: Great Commission Partnerships, Catherine Ellis, Cameron Ellis, Liz Breen and Carly Ellis. We have all done this trip multiple times and also have ample support from the pastors and leaders of Celebration Church in Rio.
- 350 T-shirts
- 350 bouncy-balls
- snacks, food and drink for four days of camp
- food and drink for Friday night block party
- two pastor’s / leader’s and wives banquets
- please forward this post using this link https://gcpartnerships.org/trips
Caribbean – August, 2025 (Dates TBA)
- Vision Tour to Caribbean
Location: Local churches
Dates: August, 2023, looking to leave Tampa on a Tuesday and Return Saturday
Investment: airfare, housing, meals.
Deadline: Visa application deadline is 120 prior to travel
Docs: Valid passport (not to expire within six months); Visa application
Who: 1-3 adults (students O.K.)
Summary: GCPN partners with the Baptist Convention to assist two local church planters in evangelism and discipleship. This trip is a vision tour with a goal of re-establishing travel and in-country processes.
Price is all-inclusive. Air-conditioned buses and hotels.
Use our online application and give your deposit here -> Online Application
Give so that others can GO! We award scholarships on a case by case basis for up to half of the cost of a trip.
Click here for the Missions Trip -> Scholarship Fund.
Contact Boe Ellis (813) 815-1260 | boe@gcpartnerships.org for more info.
South Asia – October, 2025 (Dates TBA)
- Regional Pastor’s Conferences
- Worship with local church plants
- Discipleship training
Location: South Asia
Dates: TBA, usually runs Saturday a.m. -> return +Tuesday p.m.
Typical Investment: $2,300 per person
Docs: Valid passport (not to expire within six months), and for vaccinated travelers, a simple online visa application that is completed and printed prior to travel (we will provide the link to participants).
COVID – No requirements.
Who Should Come: The team for this trip will be really good at service, hospitality, administration, and media. Adults and students can come and help with any or all of these needs. Our greatest need right now is for two or three people to head up our children’s programs. Everyone on the trip will also have the chance to visit a local church service and share a greeting and a testimony.
Is this for me? As with any trip, all of our short-term missionaries must be servant-hearted and willing to serve our partner’s agenda in the field. This trip offers special opportunities for hospitality and encouragement. Everyone will need to be O.K. with long travel and casual conversations with Hindu-Buddhist locals, and especially with encouraging pastors, their wives, and other believers.
Price is all-inclusive. Housing is a mission house / dormitory style. We always try to do two to a room, but have other options available.
Use our online application and give your deposit here -> Online Application
Give so that others can GO! We award scholarships on a case by case basis for up to half of the cost of a trip.
Click here for the Missions Trip -> Scholarship Fund.
Contact Boe Ellis (813) 815-1260 | boe@gcpartnerships.org for more info.