“Obrigado Jesus ” means “Thank You Jesus”

And that is the message we are taking back to Rio de Janeiro this July 16-25, 2022 with two different VBS / sports camps serving two different church plants in the Celebration Network.

We will be sharing the Gospel (1 Thes 2:8), and providing every kid with:

  • a T-Shirt ($6.00 per kid)
  • a bouncy ball ($4.00 per kid)
  • lunch / snacks / drinks for four days of camp ($10.00 per kid)
  • hosting a huge block party in Santa Cruz
  • hosting two different pastors banquets

We are halfway to our goal of $6,000!

  • We have two weeks left
  • Please pray with us, trusting that the Lord will provide
  • Bless a kid with a sponsorship gift of $20 or more

We will be preaching the Gospel and connecting with 300+ Brazilian kids and families. Thank you for your support.

Deadline July 15, 2022

Putting the name of Jesus on every kid, and on a shirt that is used year-round.

Sending a new ball home with every kid.
Providing snacks, drinks, and lunches… for four days of camp.
Hosting a huge block party for 300+ people
Hosting two different pastors, wives, and leaders banquets for 50 people (total).
By check:
Great Commission Partnerships Network, Inc.
EIN 85-3645462 | 501(c)(3)
4928 W San Rafael St.
Tampa FL 33629
(813) 424-1791
Dear Friends,

Praise the Lord, as we move into our second year of trips to Rio de Janeiro, we are seeing God take our relationships deeper. He is allowing us to know and love the real people behind Rio’s shiny facade, and showing us the real needs and challenges of planting churches in real neighborhoods there. And, He is affirming our investment.

Why Saquarema, Santa Cruz, and Universitaria? It’s not about buildings and banners. It’s about kids and families who otherwise may never hear the true Gospel of Jesus.

That is church planting: evangelism and disciple-making that results in new churches. That is the New Testament model we see in Acts, and it is the natural way the Gospel moves -> household to household.

So, while to some, these little towns look like poor, insignificant towns on the outskirts of a major, world-city, to our Lord they represent thousands of kids and families who are ready to hear and receive the gift of salvation through Christ.

You may also ask, why are you traveling to Brazil when there are so many kids here that need Jesus.

With billions around the world who have never heard the name of Jesus, there are kids and families everywhere who need a Gospel witness to come alongside. Who will reach them?

We will. Collectively. Christians and churches who answer the call with a resounding, “YES, LORD!”

The door to Rio opened with an invitation from our partner, Pastor Joe Souza, and Celebration Church in Boston. Our “YES” was on the table. If not us, who?

Thank you for your support of our July trip (below). Whether large or small, your participation matters. We could not do it without you.

– Boe